Social media is digital junk food

I am pretty disciplined now when it comes to my diet. I eat very clean. But back then, I ate a lot of junk food – chips, donuts, pizza, ice cream. I not only eat but binge junk food. It was usually a cycle. I vow not to eat junk food, then all of a sudden the cravings kicks in, and I down a bag of potato chips or a pizza. First, it feels good but then I feel really shit physically and mentally!

My Facebook and Instagram habits are like that now. I am usually disciplined when it comes to my social media use – limit of 30 minutes per day. But I also have times when I just doom scroll. An hour or two passes, binging overwhelming content. Way too much content! And just like junk food I feel like shit physically and mentally!

I had a few years of zero social media use. But in the 21st century, social media is really useful if you know how to control yourself. So right now, I need to find that balance.