Everything is harder once you dig deeper

I am now experimenting with packaging design. I had to learn about CMYK and Pantone instead of RGB. I absolutely had no clue that digital and print have different color system!

So in order to print your designs, you have to convert RGB to CMYK/Pantone so that it comes out as you envisioned it. And me being overly concerned with the details, the conversion to print colors takes a lot of trial and errors. I want the print to be exactly as what I had designed digitally.

I am learning more about the print world now. It is way harder than I thought it would be!

I had the same experience a few years back when I had tennis lessons. I thought I was going to be really good in one year! It has now been 4 years and I am not close to the level I want to be! I underestimated how hard the journey would be.

Once you go deep into any skill or career, you will see how hard it is to be good at something.

The same goes for business. It is extremely hard to be successful at any business. Some get lucky, of course. But ignoring the lucky ones and focusing on the majority of entrepreneurs, you are bound to see next level sacrifice! No wonder why I see balding entrepreneurs! The stress levels are insane – especially when big money is at risk.

Now, I don’t want to be involved in something unless I see myself going through that difficult journey. The journey is always harder once you are in it.